Yuri Pryadko
Yuri Pryadko, born in 1980 in Pavlograd, Ukraine, and currently residing in Kyiv since 2004, is an accomplished artist renowned for his exceptional paintings. His artistic journey commenced at the age of 17, when he independently delved into the world of painting, swiftly honing his skills. From the year 2000 onwards, Yuri's creations have consistently participated in competitions and adorned the walls of various city, regional, and international exhibitions.
Yuri Pryadko's portfolio is a testament to his artistic prowess, featuring breathtaking paintings such as «Autumn Day in the Forest,» «Road to the Village,» «Sunset,» «Summer Day,» «Storm,» «Chrysanthemums,» «Sea at the Dawn,» «Morning in the Forest,» «Cloudy Morning,» and «After the Night.» His mastery extends beyond landscapes and seascapes, encompassing portraits that skillfully capture the essence of the portrayed characters.
The recognition of Yuri Pryadko's talent extends to leading auctions in Ukraine, Russia, and Europe, where his paintings have been showcased. Beyond the exhibition halls, numerous art enthusiasts have been captivated by his work, leading to the inclusion of many pieces in private collections both in Ukraine and abroad. Yuri Pryadko's artistic journey is a harmonious blend of skill, creativity, and a deep connection with the subjects he brings to life on canvas.